
After so many years, you're bound to catch something.

This is Albert. A 15-year-old boy who played hide and seek with Dr Foster and her son Bradley, also 15, at Ashmore Estates in Ashmore Illinois. He hid in a tub.

Taken on the Manassas Battlefields in Virginia. Dr Foster and some friends were escorted by a Union soldier. He mentioned that the horses were out that day and Dr Foster caught this one running along the tree line.

This little tyke was hanging out in the Dog House at Ashmore Estates in Ashmore, IL. Dr Foster came down the stairs and several were standing in the doorway, so she turned around and took the picture of them. You can see his head, shirt, arm, legs and shoes. Cutie.

The boiler room at Ashmore Estates. In the doorway at the top of the stairs you see a woman in a nuns gown, her rosary around her neck, standing arms outstretched. There have been reports of people seeing a nun here. Perfect catch.

More to come as they are found from a botched migration to a new server.